Its been a month of amazing activities as we marked the World Day of Remembrance for Road accident victims. We did interviews with different stakeholders on road safety. We held a vigil to remember those we have lost on Kenyan roads and lastly we hosted a webinar on understanding Motorcycle insurance, personal covers and medical […]

Ladies and Gentlemen mark the date… Something good loading celebrating men in a special way. Mental talk conversation Prostate cancer awareness and testing at a discounted rate. For the ladies cervical cancer test also will be available at a discounted rate to. #bearded #MenLetsTalk #menmatter @privatebikersassocofkenya @lancetkenya_plk @menletstalk254 @brocode_id

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is marked every year on 21 November 2021. This year, Inked Sisterhood marked the day through various activities through the month of November that culminated in a Vigil that had both cyclists and motorcyclists. Inked Sisterhood held various interviews on their YouTube channel that talk about […]

The Bikers’ Dinner 2021 organized by WBA brought together over 80 motorcycle enthusiasts this Saturday to celebrate achievements of lady bikers and the biking community at large. We celebrate the WBA team: This 2021 you pulled together over a dozen rides, events and trainings. We celebrate all who joined hands in the planning teams to […]
BIKERS OCTOBERFEST this Sunday 31st October 2021 at The Goan Gymkhana

It’s time for the biggest Biker event of the year. Book your calendars, start cleaning your gear and get those bikes 🏍️ ready. Be prepared for an amazing meet up with bikers from all over the country, yummy food 😋 and epic entertainment 💃🏾 Kingsmen MC and PBAK invites all bikers to the Biker Oktoberfest […]
Bikers 4 Boobies cancer ride

On Saturday Women Bikers Association (WBA) led a Cancer Ride to celebrate the October Cancer month in honor of cancer warriors. This was a ride and also a learning experience where we were learning about breast cancer together in an interactive session. The ride was divided into 2 rides; Olepolos Group who rode from Shell Wilson(opposite Weston […]
Disciples Motorcycle Ministries International fellowship in Nairobi

A family that fellowships together, stays together and “where two or more are gathered in my name, there am I with them”. On Saturday, 16 October 2021, PBAK officials together with bikers from different groups in Nairobi came together to meet and fellowship with Svein Cooks Kristiansen at Nairobi Chapel. Svein has over 20 years […]
PBAK partners with AMREF Flying Doctors to provide ground and air evacuation

In August 2021, PBAK signed an MOU with AMREF Flying Doctors to partner and support its members in the event of an emergency with ground and air evacuation. The cover provides a package that features a reduced membership fee for for PBAK members with 1.The benefit of 24 hr medical helpline anytime from anywhere for medical advice. 2.Unlimited evacuation […]
Unity Ride to Albizia Hotel in Nakuru

This ride was hosted at Albizia Hotel in Nakuru where biker groups from the region were in attendance including the Kericho Riders, Kisumu Cafe Racers, Nax Bikers, Nyanza Bikers Club(NBC), Kakamega Bikers, Mount Kenya Bikers, Eldoret Bikers and Nairobi Bikers among others. The event was graced by the PBAK Chairman who talked about unity of […]
KingsMen MC August ride

It was one of those rides we just had to take a chance and enjoy what life gives us, the value of life and brotherhood and Sisterhood. It was graced by PBAK officials who enjoyed the ride from Nairobi to Thwake Resort, Machakos. To Life, To Peace, To Love, To Loyalty and To Family KMFFKM