Private Bikers

In August 2021, PBAK signed an MOU with AMREF Flying Doctors  to partner and support its members in the event of an emergency  with ground and air evacuation. The  cover provides a package that features a reduced membership fee  for  for PBAK members with
1.The benefit of 24 hr medical helpline anytime from anywhere for medical advice.
2.Unlimited evacuation flights per year for medical emergencies.
3.Unlimited ground ambulance transfers within kenya
4.Direct Contact with AMREF Flying Doctors and The medical professionals-no third party .
1. Who can benefit from the partnership?
All PBAK members , other private bikers  and their beneficiaries can benefit from maisha cover.The discount will only apply to PBAK members.
2. Does the Maisha cover me only when I am riding?
Maisha Covers you 24/7 incase of an emergency.
3. How will PBAK know that I am covered by Maisha?
Upon sign up, you will be issued with a Maisha Card and sticker. Please place the sticker on an easy to spot part of your bike. Also, ensure to update your emergency and medical records with us as you renew your membership later this year.
4. Does the discount apply to my family as well? 
The PBAK discount will apply to PBAK members only. To join PBAK click
5. How long does the Maisha Cover last? 
The Maisha cover is annual, you will need to renew it annually.
6. Is the Maisha cover a medical cover/insurance? 
No, the Maisha cover only provides for ground and air evacuation to a medical facility. This means you will need to maintain a separate medical insurance to be used in hospital once Amref  Flying Doctors gets you there.

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